This week we're taking a closer look at the Star Citizen alien race I'm most excited to see in the game, the Banu. I like the idea of their unorthodox societal structure and the fact...
star citizen review
The more I delve into Star Citizen lore and the planned game universe, the more I’m attracted to exploration. Considering how much I enjoy writing about MMOs and regaling my personal adventures, the idea of...
[vc_row][vc_column width=”2/3″][vc_column_text] Excerpt… This week’s episode is a long time coming for me. The idea began with the release of the Star Citizen ARK Starmap and evolved over time, as I delved into the data...
Astronomically speaking, Cathcart is fundamentally void: a star without true planets. It’s a loose chain of asteroids and mini-worlds orbiting far from a green band. With this structure, there was no compelling reason for the...
Today, our Discovered series presents the personal correspondence of Dr. Kellar Lench, on loan to us from the Gemma Museum of Interspecies Tolerance. Lench was a young scientist when he first discovered the Elysium System...
The Drake Herald, one of only three small career ships in my line-up. The fact that I can own platform ships, ships for medium sized groups AND engage in solo or duo activities, is a...
This week’s episode returns to Star Citizen lore. I know people enjoy shows about ships, which is understandable. But I don’t always have enough time to compile the content necessary to do a those the...
Nyx consists of three unremarkable planets circling an F-Type Main Sequence star. Located directly on the border of a dark nebula, visibility and scanner use are limited due to the gases being discharged. The system’s...
This standard year marks the 150th anniversary of Harper Nguyen’s famous journey. At 128 years old, she holds the record for the oldest explorer to ever chart a jump point. To this day, she is...