July 26, 2024

Alysianah's World

All things Star Citizen

Adventure in Salvaging

Star Citizen 3.18 definitely had a less-than-stellar start. Many players, myself included, were locked out of the game for days. It wasn't until day seven that the stars aligned and I was able to beat the log-in server defects, account authentication snafus, and infinite loading screen. For the first few sessions of stable gameplay, I turned my attention to salvaging...

3.18 PTU Salvage

Salvage is the first of the industry professions I backed that's now in the game, along with the ships I purchased. Refuel is here as a precursor to Pyro but is an unnecessary function at this time since game services can more easily refuel your ship. Also, I backed to do it with the Vulcan, not the Starfarer. CIG's implementation of mining left me confident that all the professions would be done well. Yes, we've had hiccups along the way in balancing them...

Create Your Own GameGlass Shard!

Recently, I made my first foray into using GameGlass for Star Citizen. In the past, I've utilized Voice Attack to handle the myriad of keybinds required but can't fit on my HOTAS. These days, however, I want to avoid being tied to a microphone for basic gameplay. GameGlass offers free and premium service options and premade shards are available for immediate use. I opted to purchase a couple of shards...

Drake Mule – First Cargo Loader

On its own, the Mule isn't of much use yet - another vehicle made available in-game while its core mechanics are being completed. Regardless, it's a fun little vehicle and an item that most players will probably need to speed up moving boxes around. I definitely see its eventual usefulness across all content activities, whether it's used in a hangar, on the ground, or aboard a large ship...

FPS Bunkers Starter Guide

PVE ship combat bounties are a very popular activity because they don't require specialized ships. You can successfully jump into the game with a starter ship and complete flight combat bounties. Unfortunately, the same can't be said for FPS bounties, which are equally popular. For the FPS bounties, you need basic gear that is purchasable in-game...

Survival Mechanics – Food Consumption

The tweaks to the food consumption in Star Citizen Alpha 3.17 aren't a hit with everyone. Most notable is the frequency with which players now need to eat and drink before their character is penalized. I, for one, am fine with them. In fact, I'm actually enjoying the increased pace. But that's coming from someone who has played The Sims since version 1.0 and all the variants of the Don't Starve game series...

The Men in White Suits

A byproduct of players dropping all gear as loot upon death is that many more players are now choosing to run around in the default scrub-looking white suit. Getting a marker to retrieve your corpse or the game persisting it through a full death isn't 100% reliable...

Players as Loot Goblins

Star Citizen Alpha 3.17 is turning players into little Loot Goblins. Those who are inclined now have multiple avenues of collecting loot. And not all of them require completing formal missions. I've even joined in on the fun by scouring nearby outposts when I'm traversing a moon while mining or as it's convenient when I'm in transit...

Eclipse Stealth Killer

You don't hear much from Star Citizen backers about the stealth bomber, the Aegis Eclipse. I suppose it makes sense given that it's a 3-hit wonder, being that it only carries three torpedoes. However, the beauty of that payload is that they are size 9 ARGOS IX torpedoes that use Crosssection signal tracking, giving them a high degree of accuracy at damaging a single target...

Welcome New Citizens

Regardless of long-time backer complaints and the number of years Star Citizen has been in an Alpha, interest in the game grows. I'm following several streamers who are new to the game, which generates interest in their pre-existing followers. Issues and all, new players are considerably more positive and excited about Star Citizen than those of us who have been watching the paint dry...

Beginner Bounty Hunting

Although the player professions are what I'm most excited about in Star Citizen, I need a break from cargo hauling and mining. So it's back to where it all started when all we had in the Persistent Universe was ship combat...

Pardon My Dust

An updated theme, refreshed visuals and features for hosting in-game events...

Casual Citizen S2E5

New episode of Casual Citizen, my thoughts on the cost of developing a seamless world, and the next installment in Pod City...

Chillin’ In Space

Returned from Amazon Studio's New World to casually play Star Citizen. Take in the sights via box deliveries. Earn some credits doing mining...

Separating My Personas

Enjoying the immersion of physicalized inventory and working out a solution for wanting to have two distinct characters when the game doesn't support it yet...

Simple Pleasures in Star Citizen

I am disappointed with New World and thinking about how I hope to play Star Citizen predominantly as a space nomad...

Casual Citizen S2E4

New episode of Casual Citizen, a review of the Origin 400i and the next story in my Pod City series...

Medical Game Play in Alpha 3.16

Medical gameplay is one of the professions I'm interested in doing in Star Citizen. At least, I thought it was but I'm not so sure now. I'm realizing that my vision of it was more like how it plays out in The Sims, where patients arrive for treatment and I engage in a mini-game…...

The Return to Star Citizen

A combination of winter, work stresses, the family spread across 3 states now, and Jenn's health crisis has left me feeling rather blue at times. We were all anxious to kick 2021 in the butt. However, nothing could have prepared us for the crisis mode we'd be in entering 2022. While always endeavoring to…...

Oh, New World

New World is on the ropes but I'm here to stay - for now. If things don't get worse than they are today, I find enough that I enjoy, to stay the course. It's such a tremendous shame that the quality control was so poorly managed on this title. Whether they were understaffed, rushed,…...

New World – Ding, Level 30

Last night, I hit level 30 in New World and am going strong. I'm definitely behind the leveling pace of those who started on release day which is fine by me. I'm not one to race to max level. Enjoyable MMOs don't grow on trees so I prefer to savor the journey when I…...

Amazon’s New World Open Beta, I Had My Happy Ending

The New World Open Beta Testing (OBT) has come to a conclusion and it didn’t disappoint. Master Henry still has a shit spawn rate and not enough health for the number of players trying to kill him. He needs to scale. Abandoning the wait to complete this mission blocks you from what I found…...

The Genesis of Space Whales

If you're relatively new to Star Citizen, you might be wondering, "what's all this space whales nonsense?" Let's take a look at a joke that became a thing, is now represented as a sculpture on Orison, and will one day live among the clouds of Crusader. Space Whales, called Stormwal, are flying creatures native…...

Loot – I See The Light

A long-time fan and subscriber to SaltEMike on Twitch, I've been ambivalent to his strong feelings on the importance of looting in Star Citizen. I plan to occasionally participate in organized PVP events and NPC combat only when absolutely needed. The majority of my time will be spent exploring the specialty professions such as…...

Casual Citizen S2E3 – Birdcage

Season 2 Episod3 of my ongoing series on Star Citizen by Cloud Imperium Games is available on all support platforms. This episode's topics include Looting, I've Seen the Light, The Genesis of Space Whales, Limited Fast Travel, and my NightBus Fan Fiction, Pod City The Fallen, Bird Cage. YouTube: https://youtu.be/DDkSq7LDcek Audio-Only https://soundcloud.com/lauren-michele-12/casual-citizen-season-2-episode-3 https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/casual-star-citizen/id1583299515 https://music.amazon.com/podcasts/4b5e53b8-d75a-446b-b16f-d066566b0b1a/CASUAL-STAR-CITIZEN…...

Casual Citizen S2E2 – Shifting Sands P2

Welcome to another episode of Casual Citizen. My experimentation with pseudo-A.I. voices has ended. The compromise I've reached to keep show production reasonable is that I will voice the game commentary sections and use an A.I. voice for the fiction which tends to be the longest portion. The vast majority of authors don't narrate…...

Other Worlds: New World Closed Beta

Other Worlds is a section I will occasionally include about my adventures in other virtual worlds. Feel free to fast forward if you only care about Star Citizen. If I write enough about different games, I might break it out into its own show. I'm positive you can guess the name of the Other…...

Pyro, Size Matters

Pyro is unquestionably the beating heart of piracy. An otherwise desolate, lifeless star system crippled by a flare star, Pyro is most notably the home of the shared pirate outpost of Ruin Station. The system is a case of criminals filling the void in an abandoned star system. Unlike the more settled honor-among-thieves Cathcart,…...

True MMO Style Persistence

Without a doubt, nothing even comes in at a close second; what I've disliked about the so-called Persistent Universe is its lack of persistence. I've detested the Super Mario save point behavior of getting to a station to persist where you are in the world or to retain the contents of your ship. I've…...

The More, The Merrier!

In the post Odyssey expansion world of Elite Dangerous, Star Citizen has seen an influx of players introducing themselves on Reddit to the Star Citizen community. Naturally, we're more than happy to welcome them. I don't see any reason for either fanbase to take a competitive stance. Fun is…...

Casual Citizen S2E1 – Shifting Sands P1

AND, I’M BACK. No, for real, I'm actually back. It's been a long time coming. Between real-life misadventures such as losing the first floor of my house in a hurricane. Relocating and accepting what would become the job from hell. To being diagnosed with two autoimmune disorders in November of 2020. Life has…...

Character Progression

Theme park or sandbox, I make each adventure my own...

Multicrew Mining

The Argo Mole, our first multicrew mining ship, wins big...

Gone Mining

Doing things my way as a temporary miner in Star Citizen...

890 Jump Life

Alpha 3.7 stabilizes bed logout and delivers living the virtual dream aboard the Origin 890 Jump...

Real Life Trails and Star Citizen Update

Real life updates and the first capital ship to arrive in Star Citizen is the luxury space yacht, the Origin 890 Jump...

Aly’s World EMag – May 2019

May 2019 eBook of commentary and fanfiction...

Podcity – The Fallen

Gilles sat in Deluna, the Podcity pub located on the first level. Being a sphere, it was circular with curved cushioned booths lining the walls. The bar was in the center, surrounded by mismatched bistro tables and chairs. Seated at his favorite booth, Gilles examined his scotch and unconsciously drummed his fingers on the scarred lacquer table. It was minutes away from closing time. He was the last patron in the place...

Earn Your Wings Part 1

Ten thousand UEC per day. That’s how much Zora needed to earn to keep her life on an even keel. Maintaining the Terrapin, her sole source of income, was her first priority. Having a roof over her head was second. More than a convenience, leasing an apartment helped eating cheap and eliminated renting storage compartments for the crates of equipment she’d amassed over the years...

Please Stop Destroying My Items

I think it’s long past time that Star Citizen’s persistent universe, actually persisted all player related assets. One of the foundational covenants between a player and a persistent universe is that the game won’t lose my shit or willfully destroy my assets. Star Citizen continues to violate this fundamental convention...

Area 18 Arrives

Walking through ArcCorp's Area 18 was like coming home for me. I had so much fun wandering the concepted tiny area when it was called the Social Module...

Remove Public Transportation from Commercial Careers

No carrier in the world would include drivers leaving their utility vehicles to ride public transportation...

Female Avatars Added

The joy of finally having female characters in the Star Citizen Alpha...

Genesis of Podcity

In addition to continuing to improve my writing and establish a disciplined schedule, I wanted to create a series of characters and places that could live outside the container of Star Citizen lore. I wanted the option of lifting the short stories outside of the Cloud Imperium's IP if I felt they had legs. In my mind, this necessitated a single location that was unique to my canon. Podcity and it's related stories blend sci-fi and elements of cyberpunk...

Rethinking the Reliants

I miss having an active MMO to play. More than just enjoying a wide variety of content, I miss the idle times. Logging in to do brain-on-pause tasks or perch in a favorite location to watch other players, all the while soaking up the atmosphere...

1 Profession, 2 Ships and Go!

or one year, you can only do one profession and possess only two ships, what would your choices be? And no matter how much money you earn, for that year, you can’t buy any additional ships. Literally, one year, one profession, two ships and go!...

Roadmap Disappointment

Backing Star Citizen has always been about two things for me. First is traveling and exploring the universe described by the robust lore. Second is the diversity of player professions which take MMO immersion to a completely different level. In particular, bonafide exploration mechanics, managing large scale food production, commercial transportation, operating a floating hospital, info running, luxury touring and building outposts. These two things combined are the crux and motivation for why I’ve pledged and to the degree that I backed the game...

Sit Back. Relax. Unwind.

Stunning views and inspired music...

Voice Attack Revisited

Several of the roleplayers who’ve recently started streaming Star Citizen use Voice Attack profiles. I’ve seen many comments asking if that’s part of the game or how they’ve accomplished it. Today I just want to hit the high points for those who aren’t familiar with how VA works with SC, which is how it would work with any game...

Roleplay Versus Immersed

It was recently my pleasure to be a part of Answer the Call, a weekly Twitch show hosted by Twerk17. The topic was the importance of the female avatar. I won’t rehash the conversation here. A link is included in the show notes. What I would like to discuss are two topics that are offshoots from that conversation. My brand of gameplay and what I’ve dubbed the games fiddly bits...

Star Citizen Nightbus Episode 8

This episode discusses my excitement for the new faces that have joined the Star Citizen streaming family since from the Anniversary event, the magic of Hurston, re-visiting Stanton lore for new listeners and a new piece of fanfic. Please sit back, relax and enjoy...

Hurston, Take Flight

Taking flight in and around Hurston is awe inspiring...

Charles’ Dilemma

A small crowd gathered around the makeshift food truck hovering just off landing pad A00. Port Olisar, the aging starbase stationed in the trade lanes above Crusader, was coming to life. Local cargo haulers, miners and, small service crews, called the dilapidated two-story four-strut structure home...

Alpha 3.3.5 – Stanton

So many new faces and streamers have found their way to the Star Citizen Alpha 3.3.5 Persistent Universe, it seems like a perfect time for a refresher on the Stanton Star System...

New Faces

I didn’t partake in this year’s Anniversary Sale. With the fleet I’ve amassed over the years, it’s going to take a specialized ship to pique my interest enough to swap in something new. Note, swap-in. I’ve hit my ceiling on ship purchases. I know, I’ve said that before but this time I mean it! What I have engaged in as a result of the sale and freefly, is the amazing influx of new players and streamers...

Alpha 3.3.5 – Hurston is Magic

As with most things Star Citizen there's the good, the bad and the miraculous. Hurston is definitely the latter...

Helios, 2nd Largest System

A new way of visualizing the star systems and a look at Helios, as the prototype...

Star Citizen Alpha 3.2

A look at the changes introduced by Alpha Patch 3.2, including a introductory mining guide...

Star Citizen Alpha 3.1

My impressions of the features and ships added into the Star Citizen Persistent Universe in Alpha Patch 3.1...

Squadron 42 All-Star Cast

A look at Squadron 42's impressive all-star cast...

Origin 600i Series

Learn about the luxurious Origin 600i explorer and touring ships...

ORIGIN Jumpworks GmbH

Luxury ship manufacturer, best known for 300 ships series and the 890 Jump...

Anvil Terrapin

A look at the Anvil Terrapin. A two person ship for search and rescue, as well as recon...

Alpha 3.2 Prospector Mining Guide

The first iteration of the mining profession arrives in Alpha 3.2...

Prospector – Intro Mining Ship

MISC Prospector, an introductory ship for the mining profession...

Alpha 3.1 Impressions

Nothing but good vibes in Alpha 3.1, and my gamer's soul is so ready...

Gaming and Nostalgia

As adult gamers, we often remember old games with rose tinted glasses. For me, gaming will always be a significant part of my childhood and adult hobbies...

Alpha 3.0 Speculative Trading Aides

Compilation of backer made tools and aides for speculative trading...

Alpha 3.0 – Ups and Downs of More Trading

Round 2 of trading. How much money can I make in two hours?...

Alpha 3.0 Brings First Iteration of Trading

Discussion and impressions of the first iteration of trading in Alpha 3.0...

Odin – Featured in S42 Vertical Slice

One of the star systems players encounter during Squadron 42...

Terra – Jewel of the UEE

It’s supporters would like to see Terra replace Earth as the seat of power, culture and influence. As to be expected, die-hard Earth loyalists are staunchly against such a shift...

Sol – Humanity’s Birthplace

Earth is part of the Sol System.  It’s the cradle of Humanity, the heart of the Empire, birthplace of mankind...

Alien Races: Kr’Thak

Humans have had no contact with the Kr'Thak.  What is known to the UEE about them comes only from the Xi'An...

Alien Races: Tevarin

The Tevarin were the third extraterrestrial race to be discovered by the UEE. They were destroyed by the UEE at the Battle of Centauri on August 2, 2610 SET...

Alien Races: Xi’an

The Xi'an Empire is a hereditary absolute monarchy, located along the border of the Eastern Systems...

Star Citizen Alpha 3.0 PTU – The Rest of the Story

More on my thoughts about Star Citizen during Alpha 3.0 PTU...

3.0 PTU – I Have Concerns

I've been play-testing the newest patch for Star Citizen, Alpha 3.0, on the Private Test Universe. I'll admit up front, this is the first patch that's left me feeling concerned about Star Citizen as a whole. I'm a long time backer with a considerable amount pledged...

Star Citizen Nightbus EP7

It's been a while since I've posted about Star Citizen or produced one of my related shows. It's not because I've lost steam or interest in following the game. I've just been very busy with real life commitments, some of which, are the result of producing my SC content...

Alpha 3.1 Truck Stops

What type of content and services can we expect to see at the modular Truck Stops scheduled to be introduced in Alpha Patch 3.1?...

Nightbus Special Edition: Journey to Stanton

On the maiden voyage captaining her ship outside of its home base, a young medic stumbles on a Hull B that's being ambushed by a pirate in a Freelancer, inside the Pyro to Stanton jump point tunnel...

Aly’s Fiction Writing Template

Template to help formulate the essential elements of storytelling...

Star Citizen – My EVE 2.0

It's been several years since I've had an MMO to call home. I've played all the AAA MMOs that have come to the NA market. Unfortunately, out of the seemingly endless sea of MMOs, I've tried, the only ones that felt like home for any period of time since my WOW days were GW2, EVE, ROM, WAR and AA. With EVE being the only sci-fi title among them...

What is Squadron 42?

Who is Chris Roberts and what is Squadron 42?...

Nightbus Collective Vol 1

StarCitizen Nightbus Collective Vol 1. Anthology of my fan-fiction that was serialized across Nightbus EPs 1 to 6. This collective is approximately 3 hours of narration...

Maggie’s Origin Story

Maggie, a licensed paramour in Croshaw begins planning for a different life in Stanton but a demanding and malevolent client has other ideas...

Newsletter June 2017

Alysianah's World of Star Citizen Subscriber Newsletter NEWS Female Avatars are Coming Over the past couple of months, we've been seeing more and more about CIG's progress on character customizations, which has also yielded glimpses of…...

Journey to Stanton

On the maiden voyage captaining her ship outside of its home base, a young medic stumbles on a cargo ship being ambushed inside the Pyro to Stanton jump point tunnel...

NightBus Episode 6 – Alpha 3.0 Awakens Explorer Play-Style & The Exterminator Part 2

Show Transcript Welcome to the Star Citizen NightBus, a quirky mixture of fact, fiction and opinion. I’m your host, Alysianah from AlysianahsWorld.com. There are only two show topics this week since both are rather lengthy. Alpha 3.0 Planetside Content and the conclusion of The Exterminator. You can hear part one of The Exterminator…...

The Exterminator Part 2

John slipped from shadow to shadow until he was across the aisle from habicube A19. To prevent the security system from locking them out of the room, the delinquent guests had placed a metal object at the base of the sliding door to keep it open. His pistol locked and loaded, John crossed to the other side, flattening himself against the wall to the left of the door. He heard an argument brewing inside...

The Exterminator Teaser

Teaser video for the conclusion of The Exterminator...

More Content Incoming

Quick update on upcoming content...

Star Citizen Nightbus EP05 – Referral Contest Kerfuffle and More

This week's episode of Nightbus takes on some drama, theory crafting, tidbits and new fiction. Show Transcript Welcome to the Star Citizen NightBus, a quirky mixture of fact, fiction and opinion. I’m your host, Alysianah from AlysianahsWorld.com. This week’s show are: Surface level resource nodes. Are you for or against?Interesting Facts Interesting FactsMore Kerfuffle…...

The Exterminator Part 1

On a dilapidated space station, a by the book bounty hunter’s personal ethos is challenged when he arrives to conduct a routine vagrant eviction...

Chop Shop

White hot lightning exploded inside her head. Or at least, that's how it felt. Cami screamed and convulsed. Pain rippled through her like a jackhammer. She bucked violently. Rough hands tried to keep her still. She felt someone shove something between her teeth. All around, sensors blared, voices yelled and the klaxon boomed. She wanted to die...

Bryony’s Dilemma

Fog laps at the edges of a dimly lit street. Debris turns to mush in shallow pools of rain. Vermin scurry, snatching morsels from overflowing trash bins. A neon marquee flickers intermittently then fades to black before restarting. Letters scroll by identifying Pod Barracks #21, a row of nondescript cement towers...

Trolley Cart Interlude

You’re asleep in your berth aboard the NightBus, dreaming of the credits you’re going to win gambling on MacArthur in Kilian. Like taking candy from a baby, you plan to fleece as many military types as possible. If you’re lucky, you might score some primo narcs to sell out of your wrecked Cutlass, turned home base, in Spider. Your mouth is full open, gargling back a snore when a knock at the door startles you awake...

Newsletter May 2017 – Piece by Piece

Alysianah's World of Star Citizen Subscriber Newsletter ALY'S WORLD UPDATES Prod Schedule: Piece by Piece I’m starting a new series of articles that will run exclusively in Star Citizen Nightbus. The…...

Alien Races: Banu Protectorate

This week we're taking a closer look at the Star Citizen alien race I'm most excited to see in the game, the Banu. I like the idea of their unorthodox societal structure and the fact that they're welcoming to all races. I'll to put my thoughts about their participation in the slave market aside. In many cases, it's being referred to as indentured servants. We'll have to see just how far down the rabbit whole their practice goes. For now, their lore and star systems sound exciting and hospitable to humans...

Galactic Census Results

Galactic Census by  Chmn_NarwhalKnight on Reddit Curious about what your fellow citizens plan to do in the persistent universe? Check out the Galactic Census.  I recall participating a few months back and now the results are available for viewing. Exploration, Trader, Transporter, Merc and Other, round out the top 5 professions in the…...

Interesting Facts Cards

Interesting Facts posts by TBHR on Reddit I ran across a thread recently on the Star Citizen Reddit forum providing bits of lore, something that intrigues me. TBHR is taking lore facts and dispensing them in visually attractive bite-size chunks here on Imgur. If you’re into the lore, these are very good. I…...

Stanton – The Alpha’s 1st System

The more I delve into Star Citizen lore and the planned game universe, the more I’m attracted to exploration. Considering how much I enjoy writing about MMOs and regaling my personal adventures, the idea of exploring deep space and chronicling my journey, similar to the RSI Discovered Series, really should have come to mind much sooner. Well - better late than never. Independent explorers are precisely how the Stanton system was discovered...

Aly’s Starmap Matrix Evolved

Excerpt... This week’s episode is a long time coming for me. The idea began with the release of the Star Citizen ARK Starmap and evolved over time, as I delved into the data to understand how it could be used to inform my gameplay. I manually compiled a Starmap matrix and shared it…...

Cathcart – A Den of Thieves

Astronomically speaking, Cathcart is fundamentally void: a star without true planets. It’s a loose chain of asteroids and mini-worlds orbiting far from a green band. With this structure, there was no compelling reason for the system to be developed, let alone inhibited...

Life in Alpha 2.4

Overview of the conten available for play testing in Alpha 2.4...

Dramatized Lore: Discovery of the Tevarin

Today, our Discovered series presents the personal correspondence of Dr. Kellar Lench, on loan to us from the Gemma Museum of Interspecies Tolerance. Lench was a young scientist when he first discovered the Elysium System and the existence of the Tevarin in 2541...

Herald – Info Running & EWAR

The Drake Herald, one of only three small career ships in my line-up. The fact that I can own platform ships, ships for medium sized groups AND engage in solo or duo activities, is a huge part of what excites me about Star Citizen...

SC Historical Timeline

This week’s episode returns to Star Citizen lore. I know people enjoy shows about ships, which is understandable.  But I don’t always have enough time to compile the content necessary to do a those the way I prefer.  I’m working on doing the Hull Series for next week.  For this week, I hope you enjoy this narrated look at our fictional universe timeline...

Nyx – Home of Anti-UEE Activists

Nyx consists of three unremarkable planets circling an F-Type Main Sequence star.  Located directly on the border of a dark nebula, visibility and scanner use are limited due to the gases being discharged. The system’s few inhabitants are rather fond of being able to fly under the radar...

Dramatized Lore: Ellis to Taranis Jump Discovery

This standard year marks the 150th anniversary of Harper Nguyen’s famous journey. At 128 years old, she holds the record for the oldest explorer to ever chart a jump point. To this day, she is renowned for not only her discovery but also the harrowing circumstance in which it occurred.  To honor her accomplishment, below are select excerpts from the incredibly detailed audio journal Harper kept during her voyage...

Dramatized Lore: Discovery of the Vanguard System

It's the discovery of the Vanguard system, captured in the journal of Christian Meyer...

Dramatized Lore: Discovery of the Oya System

From the on-going Discovered series on RobertsSpaceIndustries.com we have, the Journals of Lieutenant Eli Price of the United Empire of Earth Navy and the discovery of Oya...

Baker – Home of the Able Baker Racing Challenge

Baker is a binary system consisting of two K-type main sequence stars surrounded by a relatively desolate collection of planets that range from completely uninhabitable to barely habitable. A Covalex shipping hub and a largely automated mining outpost are the sole bastions of civilization in the region...

Alpha 2.1 Content

Content available for play-testing in the Alpha 2.1 patch...

How to Become a Star Citizen

Interesting in joining the 1 million and counting backers who've pledged to help fund Star Citizen's development? It's easier than it may seem by looking at the Star Citizen website...

Star Citizen Nightbus Episode 3 – So Much Angst

Welcome to the Star Citizen NightBus, a quirky mixture of fact, fiction and opinion. I’m your host, Alysianah from AlysianahsWorld.com.  This week’s show focuses on community reactions, lore and more fan fiction. I’ll have to save the conclusion of Bryony’s Dilemma for the next episode. I need to finish the final edits. I’d…...

Star Citizen Nightbus Episode 4 – Bar Citizen, Davien and Fiction set in ArcCorp

Hello World, it’s Alysianah from AlysianahsWorld.com. I’m back with another episode of the Star Citizen NightBus. I apologize in advance for this uncharacteristically long show, owed to finishing out Bryony’s Dilemma. Avail yourself of the time-stamps listed in the video description to skip around. Having promised the conclusion in this episode, I didn’t…...

890 Jump – Luxury Yacht

A look at the luxurious 890 Jump, the touring ship most coveted by those with discerning tastes...

Volume 2.1: Coming in April 2017

Alysianah's World of Star Citizen Subscriber Newsletter BRYONY'S DILEMMA - Part 3 of 3 COMING IN APRIL FOUR SHOWS IN THE WORKS I'm fully…...

Volume 1.1: 2017 and Beyond

Alysianah's World of Star Citizen Patron Newsletter STAR CITIZEN COMMENTARY IS IT ENOUGH? I often wonder if a science fiction MMO is going to be enough to satiate my gaming needs. To date, only fantasy has…...

Volume 1.1: Hello 2017 and more

Alysianah's World of Star Citizen Subscriber Newsletter NEWS WELCOME 2017 Although the Star Citizen universe is celebrating the arrival of the year 2947, my feet are firmly planted in 2017. I have two big initiatives planned…...

Lore Collaboration: Mining Rocks

A couple of months ago, I was asked to collaborate on producing lore narrations with SCLoreCast. SCLC is a group dedicated to bringing SC lore to life by narrating the official dispatches and fiction from Cloud Imperium Games. I'm looking forward on-going relationship with this very talented group, all of whom are members…...

Chart of Content Announced at CitizenCon 2016

Top-down look at the upcoming alpha patch content...

Top 10 Things Star Citizen Players Can Learn from EVE Online

EVE Online has implemented and endless trial feature. Here's a look at things potential SC players could learn by playing EVE...

Star Citizen NightBus Episode 2 – Data Makers and more

The Star Citizen NightBus is a quirky mixture of Star Citizen fact, fiction and opinion. This week's topics are: Data-Makers, Trolley Cart Interlude, Space Hobos, Greetings from Zerah, Star Citizen as a Board Game, Bryony's Dilemma Part 2 of 3...

Star Citizen NightBus – Premiere Episode

Doing a show like The NightBus has been on my mind for many months. Paying homage to the Night Bus in the Harry Potter series, I wanted a show format where I could discuss whatever was on my mind about the game AND the often fickle backer community. One that allowed more flexibility in…...

Preparing for Alpha 3.0 – Flight Ready Cargo Ships

Welcome to another episode of Casual Citizen. An ongoing series about the upcoming first person MMO, Star Citizen, by Cloud Imperium Games. I’m your host Alysianah from the mystic worlds gaming blog. This week we have another episode designed to kick-start your preparation for Alpha 3.0. This week’s episode is going to review all flight ready cargo ships...

Slavery in Star Citizen

I'm all for players being able to role-play a variety of topics in games. I'm okay with elements of morality. Even including the topic of slavery doesn't bother me. However, it does make me skittish in a game that's going to have a lot of realism, including the ability to capture other players. In a recent article for , I discussed what we know so far. Here's an excerpt...

Big Ole Update

The past few weeks have been quite busy. The week before last I was sick for 3 days. A short duration flu-like episode. I was sick enough that I had to take 2 days off from work. I usually end up losing my voice as a result because of sinus and allergies issues. Colds tend to hit me in the chest and throat the most. Luckily, that didn’t happen this time. Halloween has come and gone, which to me, signals the end of the year. November and December always seem to rush by in a frantic blur of shopping, cooking, hosting, cleaning and overeating. It’s been a little more subdued the past two years because of my brother’s passing on Christmas morning, the day before his 42nd birthday. But we have to keep the show going for all the children, so we do the best we can. I’m grateful not to have little ones. After kids have opened their gifts I can disappear if I’m feeling overly sad, without having to worry about ruining someone else’s holiday...

Aly’s World Release 3.0 – New Dossier Pages

The focus of this release is to deploy additional player career oriented dossier pages and continue to refine visuals and formatting of the lore information tables. Tweaks Minor tweaks planned for the formatting of the lore information tables across all dossier pages Replacing data with more granular data…...

Behind the Curtain of Alysianah’s World

Alysianah’s World of Star Citizen is rolling along. We hit a couple of technical challenges developing my vision for integrating Galactic Guide and Live Game data into the back-end design. We’re having to reconsider one of the primary data templates. However, we’re still on track to meet my original estimate of mid November. Unfortunately, some of the issue are visible on the actual dossier pages, requiring an “Excuse our dust. We’re Under Construction” update on the website...

Is the Planned Star Citizen Universe Large Enough?

A look at the size of the planned persistent universe based on the official ARK Starmap...

Star Citizen Key Chain Charms

Hand-stamped key chain or pendant charms by Alysianah Noire...

How to Export Your Custom Keybindings

To say that Star Citizen has a lot of keybindings is in understatement. On top of which, the default settings might not feel intuitive for your personal tastes. Good news is that we can customize the settings to our liking for the keyboard, mouse, gamepad and joystick...

Aly’s World Release 1.1 – Usability Enhancements

Before charging forward with new pages, I'm implementing a few usability enhancements. This saves time for Dossier pages that are essentially using the same template. Expected completion date is September 10th...

Baby Steps

Last night I was thinking about a few enhancements that would improve the usability of the Starmap related pages. After reviewing the actual pages this morning, I've decided to make these changes before introducing the Galactic Guide data planned for Release 2.0...

Aly’s World Release 2.0

Changes planned for the next release revolve around integrating the lore data I've captured from the official Star Citizen Galactic Guides. I'm expecting to release these changes in the late October to early November time frame. Comments are locked until the release is completed...

About Alysianah Noire

As a gamer, I’m an avid MMO player who enjoys blogging about my adventures, sharing information and creating guides and tutorials. I came into MMOs through a dark tunnel. I’d been diagnosed with cancer and was often required to spend time away from home receiving treatment...

Aly’s World Release 1.0

Welcome to the first release of Alysianah Noire's World of Star Citizen, a portal of my Star Citizen related content. This is the first iteration reflecting the bare minimum of what's planned. More features will be added as time allows. Please keep in mind that this is a labor of love and just one of the activities going on in my life. I will address issues as I'm able. Keep requests and feedback polite and professional. I'm excited to share this information the community and hope you find it useful...

Proactive Shield Management

Oftentimes, the time-to-kill in ship combat can feel fast in Star Citizen. I’m not worried. I’ve experienced faster and slower. Plus we know that combat mechanics are still evolving, with adjustments coming down the pike. However, there’s something that we should all be doing now, that I rarely see pilots doing when watching their videos. It’s relatively easy and can mean the difference in surviving an encounter. I’m talking about shield management...

Anvil Aerospace

Anvil Aerospace was founded in 2772. To this day, it remains one of Terra’s success stories. The company’s focus has been on delivering military-grade equipment to the UEE navy...

What is Star Citizen?

Star Citizen is many things, some of which are different to different people. The game itself is the brainchild of veteran game developer Chris Roberts, who is most widely known for his Wing Commander game series and the movie. Under the banner of Cloud Imperium Games, he's now developing his dream space sim and first person universe, Star Citizen. The development costs are being covered using a crowdfunding model and to date, Star Citizen has raised a record breaking 115 million dollars and counting. What is so compelling about the planned content for Star Citizen that people are willing to crowdfund it to such an unprecedented amount?...

How to Join the Star Citizen Alpha

Let's begin by reiterating that Star Citizen is FAR from a completed game! Star Citizen is using an open development process that allows supporters to play test content as it becomes available. Players who choose to participate in this process can provide CONSTRUCTIVE FEEDBACK that contributes to improving the breadth of testing that's possible and in some cases, refine how mechanics are implemented...

Alien Races: Banu

Banu aligned star systems account for 7% of the known Star Citizen Universe. Which means that they govern 6 of the 90 known systems. That’s small compared to the UEE’s 42%...

Alien Races: Vanduul

The Vanduul are one of humanity's most dangerous foes in the Star Citizen universe. They've attacked us unprovoked for centuries. Hundreds of thousands of lives have been lost and star systems abandoned to their constant marauding...

Drake Interplanetary

For many citizens, the name Drake Interplanetary conjures up images of ships whose silhouettes don’t look aerodynamically balanced. And the ne'er-do-wells and criminals flying them. Pirates. Drake hasn’t helped change this perception by naming its ships things like Cutlass and Buccaneer. And their the cheesy billboards featuring overly endowed woman, dripping sex appeal all over the newest starfighter they’re showcasing, doesn’t help much either...


MISC was formed in 2805. It was a merger between the failing Hato Electronics Corporation and the Musashi Lifestyle Design Unit. The merger capitalized on Hato’s network of large-scale production facilities and Musashi’s design genius...


Coming soon...

RSI Constellation Series

RSI Constellation series of ships that support cargo hauling, touring, exploration and combat...

Anvil Carrack

Many of us will undoubtedly explore the star systems that comprise the Star Citizen universe. Participating in player missions and pursuing careers will necessitate some travel. I can’t imagine anyone playing Star Citizen without some intention to explore...

Mining Profession

As this will be one of the professions many new players gravitate toward, here’s a quick overview of the mining profession. It was one of the first career design documents published and is supposedly representative of their philosophy for all careers. Which is that career associated tasks contain activities that require skill, dexterity and intelligence, where mindless repetition or idle monitoring are explicitly avoided...

Passenger Transport & Genesis Starliner

The Genesis starliner is a mid-range luxury civilian transport ship. The interior’s configurable seating design supports economy, business class and luxury seating components. Including the more spacious seating will resutl in less seating overall but introduces higher fare seating and amenities...

MISC Hull Series

The MISC Hull series of ships is how cargo gets from place to place. An inter-connected system of ships, designed around the same principles and intended to share the same equipment and maintenance processes. MISC has created the Hull A through E, to provide countless options for every type of merchant. From the single-person Hull A to the super-massive Hull E bulk freighter, there’s a Hull for every job. Each ship includes a manned cab, drive unit and telescoping cargo spindle. When laden, the spindle expands to accept cargo pallets; while unloaded, the spindle retracts for faster, more maneuverable travel...

Starfarer – Refueling Variant

The Starfarer is a niche spacecraft which has become the defacto standard for fuel transport. Its design is the result of an 18-month survey that yielded a 15,000 page study on ship roles and the deficiencies faced by pilots. That insight influenced the core design philosophy for the Starfarer. And led to it being fitted as a dual-role fueling craft, capable of collecting fuel in space and refueling ships in-flight...

Merchantman – Alien Trading Ship

The Banu Merchantman isn’t just a ship, it’s a home and a way of life. We know that a lot of backers want to become traders and merchants in Star Citizen’s persistent universe, and we’ve created a ship that’s more than just a sterile bulk freighter for you. The Merchantman is a traveling bazar, capable of landing or docking and then inviting locals in to view what it’s cargo holds have to offer...

MISC Reliant Series

The Reliant series of ships are categorized as starter vessels. They are imbued with MICS’ flare for designing stylish industrial ships and make use of the Xi’an technology acquired through their lend-lease agreement. What makes the Reliant series appealing, is that they’re affordable ships with specialized functionality - features beyond pew-pew combat. And it also features a unique cockpit design that supports vertical and horizontal flight modes...

What’s All This Voice Attack Stuff?

With the interest in Voice Packs seemingly on the rise, while Cloud Imperium Games is continuing to refine Star Citizen’s control schemes, I thought it would be a good time to discuss Voice Attack in general and why some players have elected to use it...

Ballistic versus Laser Weapons

Star Citizen Alpha 2.4’s Item Port System simplifies customizing your ship’s configuration, making it very intuitive to experiment with varying ship loadouts. As mentioned in a previous article, one of the first things I did was change the weapons on my Sabre. That said, how did I decide on the type of weapons I wanted to use? To begin, you need to understand the difference between ballistic and laser weapons...

Search and Rescue

Beyond moderate injury or to be returned to a normal 100% health state, a player must undergo more intense treatments, such as those provided by Medbays and Medstations. This is where Search and Rescue (SAR) comes into play. Given that Star Citizen has a permadeath mechanic, I expect SAR services to be in high demand...

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