July 27, 2024

Alysianah's World

All things Star Citizen


The Genesis of Space Whales

If you're relatively new to Star Citizen, you might be wondering, "what's all this space whales nonsense?" Let's take a look at a joke that became a thing, is now represented as a sculpture on Orison, and will one day live among the clouds of Crusader. Space Whales, called Stormwal, are flying creatures native…...

Casual Citizen S2E3 – Birdcage

Season 2 Episod3 of my ongoing series on Star Citizen by Cloud Imperium Games is available on all support platforms. This episode's topics include Looting, I've Seen the Light, The Genesis of Space Whales, Limited Fast Travel, and my NightBus Fan Fiction, Pod City The Fallen, Bird Cage. YouTube: https://youtu.be/DDkSq7LDcek Audio-Only https://soundcloud.com/lauren-michele-12/casual-citizen-season-2-episode-3 https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/casual-star-citizen/id1583299515 https://music.amazon.com/podcasts/4b5e53b8-d75a-446b-b16f-d066566b0b1a/CASUAL-STAR-CITIZEN…...

Casual Citizen S2E2 – Shifting Sands P2

Welcome to another episode of Casual Citizen. My experimentation with pseudo-A.I. voices has ended. The compromise I've reached to keep show production reasonable is that I will voice the game commentary sections and use an A.I. voice for the fiction which tends to be the longest portion. The vast majority of authors don't narrate…...

Pyro, Size Matters

Pyro is unquestionably the beating heart of piracy. An otherwise desolate, lifeless star system crippled by a flare star, Pyro is most notably the home of the shared pirate outpost of Ruin Station. The system is a case of criminals filling the void in an abandoned star system. Unlike the more settled honor-among-thieves Cathcart,…...

Helios, 2nd Largest System

A new way of visualizing the star systems and a look at Helios, as the prototype...

ORIGIN Jumpworks GmbH

Luxury ship manufacturer, best known for 300 ships series and the 890 Jump...

Odin – Featured in S42 Vertical Slice

One of the star systems players encounter during Squadron 42...

Terra – Jewel of the UEE

It’s supporters would like to see Terra replace Earth as the seat of power, culture and influence. As to be expected, die-hard Earth loyalists are staunchly against such a shift...

Sol – Humanity’s Birthplace

Earth is part of the Sol System.  It’s the cradle of Humanity, the heart of the Empire, birthplace of mankind...

Alien Races: Kr’Thak

Humans have had no contact with the Kr'Thak.  What is known to the UEE about them comes only from the Xi'An...

Alien Races: Tevarin

The Tevarin were the third extraterrestrial race to be discovered by the UEE. They were destroyed by the UEE at the Battle of Centauri on August 2, 2610 SET...

Alien Races: Xi’an

The Xi'an Empire is a hereditary absolute monarchy, located along the border of the Eastern Systems...

Alien Races: Banu Protectorate

This week we're taking a closer look at the Star Citizen alien race I'm most excited to see in the game, the Banu. I like the idea of their unorthodox societal structure and the fact that they're welcoming to all races. I'll to put my thoughts about their participation in the slave market aside. In many cases, it's being referred to as indentured servants. We'll have to see just how far down the rabbit whole...

Stanton – The Alpha’s 1st System

The more I delve into Star Citizen lore and the planned game universe, the more I’m attracted to exploration. Considering how much I enjoy writing about MMOs and regaling my personal adventures, the idea of exploring deep space and chronicling my journey, similar to the RSI Discovered Series, really should have come to mind much sooner. Well - better late than never. Independent explorers are precisely how the Stanton system was discovered...

Cathcart – A Den of Thieves

Astronomically speaking, Cathcart is fundamentally void: a star without true planets. It’s a loose chain of asteroids and mini-worlds orbiting far from a green band. With this structure, there was no compelling reason for the system to be developed, let alone inhibited...

SC Historical Timeline

This week’s episode returns to Star Citizen lore. I know people enjoy shows about ships, which is understandable.  But I don’t always have enough time to compile the content necessary to do a those the way I prefer.  I’m working on doing the Hull Series for next week.  For this week, I hope you enjoy this narrated look at our fictional universe timeline...

Nyx – Home of Anti-UEE Activists

Nyx consists of three unremarkable planets circling an F-Type Main Sequence star.  Located directly on the border of a dark nebula, visibility and scanner use are limited due to the gases being discharged. The system’s few inhabitants are rather fond of being able to fly under the radar...

Dramatized Lore: Ellis to Taranis Jump Discovery

This standard year marks the 150th anniversary of Harper Nguyen’s famous journey. At 128 years old, she holds the record for the oldest explorer to ever chart a jump point. To this day, she is renowned for not only her discovery but also the harrowing circumstance in which it occurred.  To honor her accomplishment, below are select excerpts from the incredibly detailed audio journal Harper kept during her voyage...

Lore Collaboration: Mining Rocks

A couple of months ago, I was asked to collaborate on producing lore narrations with SCLoreCast. SCLC is a group dedicated to bringing SC lore to life by narrating the official dispatches and fiction from Cloud Imperium Games. I'm looking forward on-going relationship with this very talented group, all of whom are members…...

Alien Races: Banu

Banu aligned star systems account for 7% of the known Star Citizen Universe. Which means that they govern 6 of the 90 known systems. That’s small compared to the UEE’s 42%...

Alien Races: Vanduul

The Vanduul are one of humanity's most dangerous foes in the Star Citizen universe. They've attacked us unprovoked for centuries. Hundreds of thousands of lives have been lost and star systems abandoned to their constant marauding...

Drake Interplanetary

For many citizens, the name Drake Interplanetary conjures up images of ships whose silhouettes don’t look aerodynamically balanced. And the ne'er-do-wells and criminals flying them. Pirates. Drake hasn’t helped change this perception by naming its ships things like Cutlass and Buccaneer. And their the cheesy billboards featuring overly endowed woman, dripping sex appeal all over the newest starfighter they’re showcasing, doesn’t help much either...


MISC was formed in 2805. It was a merger between the failing Hato Electronics Corporation and the Musashi Lifestyle Design Unit. The merger capitalized on Hato’s network of large-scale production facilities and Musashi’s design genius...

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