September 18, 2024

Alysianah's World

All things Star Citizen


The Genesis of Space Whales

If you're relatively new to Star Citizen, you might be wondering, "what's all this space whales nonsense?" Let's take a look at a joke that became a thing, is now represented as a sculpture on Orison, and will one day live among the clouds of Crusader. Space Whales, called Stormwal, are flying creatures native…...

Casual Citizen S2E3 – Birdcage

Season 2 Episod3 of my ongoing series on Star Citizen by Cloud Imperium Games is available on all support platforms. This episode's topics include Looting, I've Seen the Light, The Genesis of Space Whales, Limited Fast Travel, and my NightBus Fan Fiction, Pod City The Fallen, Bird Cage. YouTube: Audio-Only…...

Casual Citizen S2E2 – Shifting Sands P2

Welcome to another episode of Casual Citizen. My experimentation with pseudo-A.I. voices has ended. The compromise I've reached to keep show production reasonable is that I will voice the game commentary sections and use an A.I. voice for the fiction which tends to be the longest portion. The vast majority of authors don't narrate…...

Pyro, Size Matters

Pyro is unquestionably the beating heart of piracy. An otherwise desolate, lifeless star system crippled by a flare star, Pyro is most notably the home of the shared pirate outpost of Ruin Station. The system is a case of criminals filling the void in an abandoned star system. Unlike the more settled honor-among-thieves Cathcart,…...

Helios, 2nd Largest System

A new way of visualizing the star systems and a look at Helios, as the prototype...

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6 min read
4 min read