July 27, 2024

Alysianah's World

All things Star Citizen


Adventure in Salvaging

Star Citizen 3.18 definitely had a less-than-stellar start. Many players, myself included, were locked out of the game for days. It wasn't until day seven that the stars aligned and I was able to beat the log-in server defects, account authentication snafus, and infinite loading screen. For the first few sessions of stable gameplay, I turned my attention to salvaging...

3.18 PTU Salvage

Salvage is the first of the industry professions I backed that's now in the game, along with the ships I purchased. Refuel is here as a precursor to Pyro but is an unnecessary function at this time since game services can more easily refuel your ship. Also, I backed to do it with the Vulcan, not the Starfarer. CIG's implementation of mining left me confident that all the professions would be done well. Yes, we've...

Create Your Own GameGlass Shard!

Recently, I made my first foray into using GameGlass for Star Citizen. In the past, I've utilized Voice Attack to handle the myriad of keybinds required but can't fit on my HOTAS. These days, however, I want to avoid being tied to a microphone for basic gameplay. GameGlass offers free and premium service options and premade shards are available for immediate use. I opted to purchase a couple of shards...

Drake Mule – First Cargo Loader

On its own, the Mule isn't of much use yet - another vehicle made available in-game while its core mechanics are being completed. Regardless, it's a fun little vehicle and an item that most players will probably need to speed up moving boxes around. I definitely see its eventual usefulness across all content activities, whether it's used in a hangar, on the ground, or aboard a large ship...

FPS Bunkers Starter Guide

PVE ship combat bounties are a very popular activity because they don't require specialized ships. You can successfully jump into the game with a starter ship and complete flight combat bounties. Unfortunately, the same can't be said for FPS bounties, which are equally popular. For the FPS bounties, you need basic gear that is purchasable in-game...

Survival Mechanics – Food Consumption

The tweaks to the food consumption in Star Citizen Alpha 3.17 aren't a hit with everyone. Most notable is the frequency with which players now need to eat and drink before their character is penalized. I, for one, am fine with them. In fact, I'm actually enjoying the increased pace. But that's coming from someone who has played The Sims since version 1.0 and all the variants of the Don't Starve game series...

Players as Loot Goblins

Star Citizen Alpha 3.17 is turning players into little Loot Goblins. Those who are inclined now have multiple avenues of collecting loot. And not all of them require completing formal missions. I've even joined in on the fun by scouring nearby outposts when I'm traversing a moon while mining or as it's convenient when I'm in transit...

Beginner Bounty Hunting

Although the player professions are what I'm most excited about in Star Citizen, I need a break from cargo hauling and mining. So it's back to where it all started when all we had in the Persistent Universe was ship combat...

Separating My Personas

Enjoying the immersion of physicalized inventory and working out a solution for wanting to have two distinct characters when the game doesn't support it yet...

Medical Game Play in Alpha 3.16

Medical gameplay is one of the professions I'm interested in doing in Star Citizen. At least, I thought it was but I'm not so sure now. I'm realizing that my vision of it was more like how it plays out in The Sims, where patients arrive for treatment and I engage in a mini-game…...

The Return to Star Citizen

A combination of winter, work stresses, the family spread across 3 states now, and Jenn's health crisis has left me feeling rather blue at times. We were all anxious to kick 2021 in the butt. However, nothing could have prepared us for the crisis mode we'd be in entering 2022. While always endeavoring to…...

Loot – I See The Light

A long-time fan and subscriber to SaltEMike on Twitch, I've been ambivalent to his strong feelings on the importance of looting in Star Citizen. I plan to occasionally participate in organized PVP events and NPC combat only when absolutely needed. The majority of my time will be spent exploring the specialty professions such as…...

Casual Citizen S2E2 – Shifting Sands P2

Welcome to another episode of Casual Citizen. My experimentation with pseudo-A.I. voices has ended. The compromise I've reached to keep show production reasonable is that I will voice the game commentary sections and use an A.I. voice for the fiction which tends to be the longest portion. The vast majority of authors don't narrate…...

True MMO Style Persistence

Without a doubt, nothing even comes in at a close second; what I've disliked about the so-called Persistent Universe is its lack of persistence. I've detested the Super Mario save point behavior of getting to a station to persist where you are in the world or to retain the contents of your ship. I've…...

Multicrew Mining

The Argo Mole, our first multicrew mining ship, wins big...

Please Stop Destroying My Items

I think it’s long past time that Star Citizen’s persistent universe, actually persisted all player related assets. One of the foundational covenants between a player and a persistent universe is that the game won’t lose my shit or willfully destroy my assets. Star Citizen continues to violate this fundamental convention...

Remove Public Transportation from Commercial Careers

No carrier in the world would include drivers leaving their utility vehicles to ride public transportation...

Voice Attack Revisited

Several of the roleplayers who’ve recently started streaming Star Citizen use Voice Attack profiles. I’ve seen many comments asking if that’s part of the game or how they’ve accomplished it. Today I just want to hit the high points for those who aren’t familiar with how VA works with SC, which is how it would work with any game...

Alpha 3.2 Prospector Mining Guide

The first iteration of the mining profession arrives in Alpha 3.2...

Alpha 3.0 Speculative Trading Aides

Compilation of backer made tools and aides for speculative trading...

Alpha 3.0 – Ups and Downs of More Trading

Round 2 of trading. How much money can I make in two hours?...

Alpha 3.0 Brings First Iteration of Trading

Discussion and impressions of the first iteration of trading in Alpha 3.0...

Proactive Shield Management

Oftentimes, the time-to-kill in ship combat can feel fast in Star Citizen. I’m not worried. I’ve experienced faster and slower. Plus we know that combat mechanics are still evolving, with adjustments coming down the pike. However, there’s something that we should all be doing now, that I rarely see pilots doing when watching their videos. It’s relatively easy and can mean the difference in surviving an encounter. I’m talking about shield management...

Mining Profession

As this will be one of the professions many new players gravitate toward, here’s a quick overview of the mining profession. It was one of the first career design documents published and is supposedly representative of their philosophy for all careers. Which is that career associated tasks contain activities that require skill, dexterity and intelligence, where mindless repetition or idle monitoring are explicitly avoided...

Passenger Transport & Genesis Starliner

The Genesis starliner is a mid-range luxury civilian transport ship. The interior’s configurable seating design supports economy, business class and luxury seating components. Including the more spacious seating will resutl in less seating overall but introduces higher fare seating and amenities...

What’s All This Voice Attack Stuff?

With the interest in Voice Packs seemingly on the rise, while Cloud Imperium Games is continuing to refine Star Citizen’s control schemes, I thought it would be a good time to discuss Voice Attack in general and why some players have elected to use it...

Ballistic versus Laser Weapons

Star Citizen Alpha 2.4’s Item Port System simplifies customizing your ship’s configuration, making it very intuitive to experiment with varying ship loadouts. As mentioned in a previous article, one of the first things I did was change the weapons on my Sabre. That said, how did I decide on the type of weapons I wanted to use? To begin, you need to understand the difference between ballistic and laser weapons...

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