October 15, 2024

Alysianah's World

All things Star Citizen

Odin – Featured in S42 Vertical Slice

One of the star systems players encounter during Squadron 42.


Odin is one of the star systems players will encounter while completing the single-player campaign of Star Citizen, Squadron 42. It was featured in the 2017 Holiday Live Stream that demonstrated a vertical slide of Squadron 42 gameplay.

Odin was made uninhabitable when its star degenerated into a white dwarf. The system remains inhospitable for long-term human habitation and has instead become a haven for outlaws due to the dangers of traversing the systems electromagnetic storms. Hardcore miners and salvagers have been known to risk the dangers of these storms to harvest resources in the local asteroid belt nicknamed, The Coil. Here’s a link to the official Odin Galactic Guide.


  • Encountered in gameplay during Squadron 42
  • Mineral-rich mining opportunity for those willing to risk the electromagnetic storms
  • Black market guns and military grade surplus available for purchase
  • Locals import bulk foods and medical supplies
  • Opportunity for science vessels to study arc charges from the deadly electromagnetic phenomenon
  • Parts of Gainey, the system’s destroyed moon, still hovers near the planet
  • Contains a gas planet with large number of refineries


  • Kellog (Large)
  • Nyx (Large)
  • Tanga (Medium)


  • None currently listed in the official ARK Starmap

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