October 22, 2024

Alysianah's World

All things Star Citizen

Serialized Fiction

33 min read

Gilles sat in Deluna, the Podcity pub located on the first level. Being a sphere, it was circular with curved cushioned booths lining the walls. The bar was in the center, surrounded by mismatched bistro tables and chairs. Seated at his favorite booth, Gilles examined his scotch and unconsciously drummed his fingers on the scarred lacquer table. It was minutes away from closing time. He was the last patron in the place.

6 min read

Ten thousand UEC per day. That’s how much Zora needed to earn to keep her life on an even keel. Maintaining the Terrapin, her sole source of income, was her first priority. Having a roof over her head was second. More than a convenience, leasing an apartment helped eating cheap and eliminated renting storage compartments for the crates of equipment she’d amassed over the years.

2 min read

In addition to continuing to improve my writing and establish a disciplined schedule, I wanted to create a series of characters and places that could live outside the container of Star Citizen lore. I wanted the option of lifting the short stories outside of the Cloud Imperium’s IP if I felt they had legs. In my mind, this necessitated a single location that was unique to my canon. Podcity and it’s related stories blend sci-fi and elements of cyberpunk.

14 min read

A small crowd gathered around the makeshift food truck hovering just off landing pad A00. Port Olisar, the aging starbase stationed in the trade lanes above Crusader, was coming to life. Local cargo haulers, miners and, small service crews, called the dilapidated two-story four-strut structure home…

1 min read

StarCitizen Nightbus Collective Vol 1. Anthology of my fan-fiction that was serialized across Nightbus EPs 1 to 6. This collective is approximately 3 hours of narration.

22 min read

Maggie, a licensed paramour in Croshaw begins planning for a different life in Stanton but a demanding and malevolent client has other ideas.

20 min read

On the maiden voyage captaining her ship outside of its home base, a young medic stumbles on a cargo ship being ambushed inside the Pyro to Stanton jump point tunnel.

15 min read

John slipped from shadow to shadow until he was across the aisle from habicube A19. To prevent the security system from locking them out of the room, the delinquent guests had placed a metal object at the base of the sliding door to keep it open. His pistol locked and loaded, John crossed to the other side, flattening himself against the wall to the left of the door. He heard an argument brewing inside.

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6 min read
4 min read