Humans have had no contact with the Kr'Thak. What is known to the UEE about them comes only from the Xi'An.
The Tevarin were the third extraterrestrial race to be discovered by the UEE. They were destroyed by the UEE at the Battle of Centauri on August 2, 2610 SET.
The Xi'an Empire is a hereditary absolute monarchy, located along the border of the Eastern Systems.
[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_column_text] Hello World, it’s Alysianah from I’m back with another episode of the Star Citizen NightBus. I apologize in advance for this uncharacteristically long show, owed to finishing out Bryony’s Dilemma. Avail yourself...
A look at the luxurious 890 Jump, the touring ship most coveted by those with discerning tastes.
[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_column_text] A couple of months ago, I was asked to collaborate on producing lore narrations with SCLoreCast. SCLC is a group dedicated to bringing SC lore to life by narrating the official dispatches and...
Top-down look at the upcoming alpha patch content
Beyond moderate injury or to be returned to a normal 100% health state, a player must undergo more intense treatments, such as those provided by Medbays and Medstations. This is where Search and Rescue...