[vc_row row_height_percent=”0″ back_color=”color-xsdn” overlay_alpha=”50″ gutter_size=”3″ shift_y=”0″][vc_column width=”2/3″][vc_column_text]The focus of this release is to deploy additional player career oriented dossier pages and continue to refine visuals and formatting of the lore information tables. Tweaks Minor tweaks...
Alysianah’s World of Star Citizen is rolling along. We hit a couple of technical challenges developing my vision for integrating Galactic Guide and Live Game data into the back-end design. We’re having to reconsider one...
Before charging forward with new pages, I'm implementing a few usability enhancements. This saves time for Dossier pages that are essentially using the same template. Expected completion date is September 10th.
Beyond moderate injury or to be returned to a normal 100% health state, a player must undergo more intense treatments, such as those provided by Medbays and Medstations. This is where Search and Rescue...