July 26, 2024

Alysianah's World

All things Star Citizen

Aly’s World Release 3.0 – New Dossier Pages

The focus of this release is to deploy additional player career oriented dossier pages and continue to refine visuals and formatting of the lore information tables.


  • Minor tweaks planned for the formatting of the lore information tables across all dossier pages
  • Replacing [appearance] data with more granular data available in the [SubType Name] field
  • Additional back-end enhancements of lore tables and data entry interface

New Dossier Pages

  • Blue Planets (Water/Ice Planets) – list all known ice/water planets. Implications for player careers unknown
  • Transportation & Tourism – list all locations with lore information indicating that opportunities may exist for large scale passenger transport and/or where known tourist destinations exist.
  • Science – list all known locations where the lore indicates opportunities may exist for science and/or research.
  • Missions – begin the frame work for building a missions database that includes intel on named NPC missions-givers.

Officially Released: November 13, 2016

Leave feedback in the comments section.

Estimated Release Date: Late November


  1. None at this time.

Please leave feedback and issues found in the comments thread below. Thanks! Comments locked until released.

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