Nyx consists of three unremarkable planets circling an F-Type Main Sequence star. Located directly on the border of a dark nebula, visibility and scanner use are limited due to the gases being discharged. The system’s...
ARK starmap
This standard year marks the 150th anniversary of Harper Nguyen’s famous journey. At 128 years old, she holds the record for the oldest explorer to ever chart a jump point. To this day, she is...
It's the discovery of the Vanguard system, captured in the journal of Christian Meyer.
From the on-going Discovered series on RobertsSpaceIndustries.com we have, the Journals of Lieutenant Eli Price of the United Empire of Earth Navy and the discovery of Oya.
Baker is a binary system consisting of two K-type main sequence stars surrounded by a relatively desolate collection of planets that range from completely uninhabitable to barely habitable. A Covalex shipping hub and a largely...
Interesting in joining the 1 million and counting backers who've pledged to help fund Star Citizen's development? It's easier than it may seem by looking at the Star Citizen website.
[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_column_text] Welcome to the Star Citizen NightBus, a quirky mixture of fact, fiction and opinion. I’m your host, Alysianah from AlysianahsWorld.com. This week’s show focuses on community reactions, lore and more fan fiction. I’ll...
[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_column_text] Hello World, it’s Alysianah from AlysianahsWorld.com. I’m back with another episode of the Star Citizen NightBus. I apologize in advance for this uncharacteristically long show, owed to finishing out Bryony’s Dilemma. Avail yourself...
A look at the luxurious 890 Jump, the touring ship most coveted by those with discerning tastes.