[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_column_text]A combination of winter, work stresses, the family spread across 3 states now, and Jenn’s health crisis has left me feeling rather blue at times. We were all anxious to kick 2021 in the...
Luxury ship manufacturer, best known for 300 ships series and the 890 Jump.
Last night I was thinking about a few enhancements that would improve the usability of the Starmap related pages. After reviewing the actual pages this morning, I've decided to make these changes before introducing...
Changes planned for the next release revolve around integrating the lore data I've captured from the official Star Citizen Galactic Guides. I'm expecting to release these changes in the late October to early November time...
As a gamer, I’m an avid MMO player who enjoys blogging about my adventures, sharing information and creating guides and tutorials. I came into MMOs through a dark tunnel. I’d been diagnosed with cancer and...
Welcome to the first release of Alysianah Noire's World of Star Citizen, a portal of my Star Citizen related content. This is the first iteration reflecting the bare minimum of what's planned. More features...
RSI Constellation series of ships that support cargo hauling, touring, exploration and combat.