May 4, 2024

Alysianah's World

All things Star Citizen

Player professions

4 min read

The Starfarer is a niche spacecraft which has become the defacto standard for fuel transport. Its design is the result of an 18-month survey that yielded a 15,000 page study on ship roles and the deficiencies faced by pilots. That insight influenced the core design philosophy for the Starfarer. And led to it being fitted as a dual-role fueling craft, capable of collecting fuel in space and refueling ships in-flight.

4 min read

The Banu Merchantman isn’t just a ship, it’s a home and a way of life. We know that a lot of backers want to become traders and merchants in Star Citizen’s persistent universe, and we’ve created a ship that’s more than just a sterile bulk freighter for you. The Merchantman is a traveling bazar, capable of landing or docking and then inviting locals in to view what it’s cargo holds have to offer.

6 min read

The Reliant series of ships are categorized as starter vessels. They are imbued with MICS’ flare for designing stylish industrial ships and make use of the Xi’an technology acquired through their lend-lease agreement. What makes the Reliant series appealing, is that they’re affordable ships with specialized functionality – features beyond pew-pew combat. And it also features a unique cockpit design that supports vertical and horizontal flight modes.

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