July 27, 2024

Alysianah's World

All things Star Citizen

Star Citizen Lore

20 min read

On the maiden voyage captaining her ship outside of its home base, a young medic stumbles on a cargo ship being ambushed inside the Pyro to Stanton jump point tunnel.

15 min read

John slipped from shadow to shadow until he was across the aisle from habicube A19. To prevent the security system from locking them out of the room, the delinquent guests had placed a metal object at the base of the sliding door to keep it open. His pistol locked and loaded, John crossed to the other side, flattening himself against the wall to the left of the door. He heard an argument brewing inside.

10 min read

On a dilapidated space station, a by the book bounty hunter’s personal ethos is challenged when he arrives to conduct a routine vagrant eviction.

16 min read

White hot lightning exploded inside her head. Or at least, that’s how it felt. Cami screamed and convulsed. Pain rippled through her like a jackhammer. She bucked violently. Rough hands tried to keep her still. She felt someone shove something between her teeth. All around, sensors blared, voices yelled and the klaxon boomed. She wanted to die.

32 min read

Fog laps at the edges of a dimly lit street. Debris turns to mush in shallow pools of rain. Vermin scurry, snatching morsels from overflowing trash bins. A neon marquee flickers intermittently then fades to black before restarting. Letters scroll by identifying Pod Barracks #21, a row of nondescript cement towers.

3 min read

You’re asleep in your berth aboard the NightBus, dreaming of the credits you’re going to win gambling on MacArthur in Kilian. Like taking candy from a baby, you plan to fleece as many military types as possible. If you’re lucky, you might score some primo narcs to sell out of your wrecked Cutlass, turned home base, in Spider. Your mouth is full open, gargling back a snore when a knock at the door startles you awake.

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6 min read
4 min read