July 26, 2024

Alysianah's World

All things Star Citizen


3 min read

It was recently my pleasure to be a part of Answer the Call, a weekly Twitch show hosted by Twerk17. The topic was the importance of the female avatar. I won’t rehash the conversation here. A link is included in the show notes. What I would like to discuss are two topics that are offshoots from that conversation. My brand of gameplay and what I’ve dubbed the games fiddly bits.

3 min read

I didn’t partake in this year’s Anniversary Sale. With the fleet I’ve amassed over the years, it’s going to take a specialized ship to pique my interest enough to swap in something new. Note, swap-in. I’ve hit my ceiling on ship purchases. I know, I’ve said that before but this time I mean it! What I have engaged in as a result of the sale and freefly, is the amazing influx of new players and streamers.

5 min read

As adult gamers, we often remember old games with rose tinted glasses. For me, gaming will always be a significant part of my childhood and adult hobbies.

4 min read

It’s been several years since I’ve had an MMO to call home. I’ve played all the AAA MMOs that have come to the NA market. Unfortunately, out of the seemingly endless sea of MMOs, I’ve tried, the only ones that felt like home for any period of time since my WOW days were GW2, EVE, ROM, WAR and AA. With EVE being the only sci-fi title among them.

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6 min read
4 min read