On its own, the Mule isn't of much use yet - another vehicle made available in-game while its core mechanics are being completed. Regardless, it's a fun little vehicle and an item that most players...
Ship Reviews
You don't hear much from Star Citizen backers about the stealth bomber, the Aegis Eclipse. I suppose it makes sense given that it's a 3-hit wonder, being that it only carries three torpedoes. However, the...
New episode of Casual Citizen, a review of the Origin 400i and the next story in my Pod City series.
I miss having an active MMO to play. More than just enjoying a wide variety of content, I miss the idle times. Logging in to do brain-on-pause tasks or perch in a favorite location to...
A look at the Anvil Terrapin. A two person ship for search and rescue, as well as recon.
MISC Prospector, an introductory ship for the mining profession.
The Drake Herald, one of only three small career ships in my line-up. The fact that I can own platform ships, ships for medium sized groups AND engage in solo or duo activities, is a...
A look at the luxurious 890 Jump, the touring ship most coveted by those with discerning tastes.