September 17, 2024

Alysianah's World

All things Star Citizen

Female Avatars Added

The joy of finally having female characters in the Star Citizen Alpha.

As the 2018 roadmap progressed, I became more vocal about the absence of female characters. Yes, I understand the technical challenges and their desire to do it right. Regardless, as a female backer, it did become a thorn. I’m not a roleplayer by any means. I am, however, strongly immersed when I play MMOs, so my characters matters. If you backed Star Citizen for all the planned content outside of ship combat and FPS, it’s still very slim pickings to play-test on a regular basis. Not even having a character to represent the gender you prefer playing, was simply another ding. Alpha 3.5 ends the missing gender debate.

It’s a marvel how CIG can deliver the first iteration of something in such a stunning fashion. Is the female avatar bug-free? Of course not. The alterations of her frame impacts all of the existing gear, her height vs. in-game assets and such. For example, my Concierge Monocle sits up in her forehead, I can’t see over packages when I’m carrying them and I can tell I’m shorter when standing at the ship terminals. Regardless, the quality of the female model can’t be denied. She looks feminine and yes, even sexy. But it’s done in a respectful way.

Combined with the DNA character customization, I was very pleased with the outcome of my character. For players such as myself, the character is as important an element in game-play as every other mechanic. Finally walking through the world as myself felt awesome and inspiring. I hope we get to a point, sooner than later, where you can save the character like we can our keybind profiles, to help persist them through wipes.

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