July 27, 2024

Alysianah's World

All things Star Citizen

ARK starmap

14 min read

A small crowd gathered around the makeshift food truck hovering just off landing pad A00. Port Olisar, the aging starbase stationed in the trade lanes above Crusader, was coming to life. Local cargo haulers, miners and, small service crews, called the dilapidated two-story four-strut structure home…

3 min read

So many new faces and streamers have found their way to the Star Citizen Alpha 3.3.5 Persistent Universe, it seems like a perfect time for a refresher on the Stanton Star System.

3 min read

I didn’t partake in this year’s Anniversary Sale. With the fleet I’ve amassed over the years, it’s going to take a specialized ship to pique my interest enough to swap in something new. Note, swap-in. I’ve hit my ceiling on ship purchases. I know, I’ve said that before but this time I mean it! What I have engaged in as a result of the sale and freefly, is the amazing influx of new players and streamers.

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6 min read
4 min read