July 26, 2024

Alysianah's World

All things Star Citizen

Star Citizen Fiction

2 min read

It’s supporters would like to see Terra replace Earth as the seat of power, culture and influence. As to be expected, die-hard Earth loyalists are staunchly against such a shift.

1 min read

Humans have had no contact with the Kr’Thak.  What is known to the UEE about them comes only from the Xi’An.

1 min read

The Tevarin were the third extraterrestrial race to be discovered by the UEE. They were destroyed by the UEE at the Battle of Centauri on August 2, 2610 SET.

2 min read

I’ve been play-testing the newest patch for Star Citizen, Alpha 3.0, on the Private Test Universe. I’ll admit up front, this is the first patch that’s left me feeling concerned about Star Citizen as a whole. I’m a long time backer with a considerable amount pledged.

1 min read

It’s been a while since I’ve posted about Star Citizen or produced one of my related shows. It’s not because I’ve lost steam or interest in following the game. I’ve just been very busy with real life commitments, some of which, are the result of producing my SC content.

4 min read

What type of content and services can we expect to see at the modular Truck Stops scheduled to be introduced in Alpha Patch 3.1?

You may have missed

6 min read
4 min read