star citizen galactic guide
November 21, 2016
Welcome to another episode of Casual Citizen. An ongoing series about the upcoming first person MMO, Star Citizen, by Cloud Imperium Games. I’m your host Alysianah from the mystic worlds gaming blog. This week we...
November 7, 2016
I'm all for players being able to role-play a variety of topics in games. I'm okay with elements of morality. Even including the topic of slavery doesn't bother me. However, it does make me skittish...
November 5, 2016
The past few weeks have been quite busy. The week before last I was sick for 3 days. A short duration flu-like episode. I was sick enough that I had to take 2 days off...
October 19, 2016
Alysianah’s World of Star Citizen is rolling along. We hit a couple of technical challenges developing my vision for integrating Galactic Guide and Live Game data into the back-end design. We’re having to reconsider one...
October 9, 2016
Hand-stamped key chain or pendant charms by Alysianah Noire
August 27, 2016
Before charging forward with new pages, I'm implementing a few usability enhancements. This saves time for Dossier pages that are essentially using the same template. Expected completion date is September 10th.
June 25, 2016
Beyond moderate injury or to be returned to a normal 100% health state, a player must undergo more intense treatments, such as those provided by Medbays and Medstations. This is where Search and Rescue...