September 17, 2024

Alysianah's World

All things Star Citizen

Alpha 3.0

4 min read

I miss having an active MMO to play. More than just enjoying a wide variety of content, I miss the idle times. Logging in to do brain-on-pause tasks or perch in a favorite location to watch other players, all the while soaking up the atmosphere.

7 min read

or one year, you can only do one profession and possess only two ships, what would your choices be? And no matter how much money you earn, for that year, you can’t buy any additional ships. Literally, one year, one profession, two ships and go!

3 min read

Backing Star Citizen has always been about two things for me. First is traveling and exploring the universe described by the robust lore. Second is the diversity of player professions which take MMO immersion to a completely different level. In particular, bonafide exploration mechanics, managing large scale food production, commercial transportation, operating a floating hospital, info running, luxury touring and building outposts. These two things combined are the crux and motivation for why I’ve pledged and to the degree that I backed the game.

3 min read

Several of the roleplayers who’ve recently started streaming Star Citizen use Voice Attack profiles. I’ve seen many comments asking if that’s part of the game or how they’ve accomplished it. Today I just want to hit the high points for those who aren’t familiar with how VA works with SC, which is how it would work with any game.

3 min read

It was recently my pleasure to be a part of Answer the Call, a weekly Twitch show hosted by Twerk17. The topic was the importance of the female avatar. I won’t rehash the conversation here. A link is included in the show notes. What I would like to discuss are two topics that are offshoots from that conversation. My brand of gameplay and what I’ve dubbed the games fiddly bits.

7 min read

This episode discusses my excitement for the new faces that have joined the Star Citizen streaming family since from the Anniversary event, the magic of Hurston, re-visiting Stanton lore for new listeners and a new piece of fanfic. Please sit back, relax and enjoy.

14 min read

A small crowd gathered around the makeshift food truck hovering just off landing pad A00. Port Olisar, the aging starbase stationed in the trade lanes above Crusader, was coming to life. Local cargo haulers, miners and, small service crews, called the dilapidated two-story four-strut structure home…

3 min read

So many new faces and streamers have found their way to the Star Citizen Alpha 3.3.5 Persistent Universe, it seems like a perfect time for a refresher on the Stanton Star System.

You may have missed

6 min read
4 min read