September 18, 2024

Alysianah's World

All things Star Citizen

cutlass black

6 min read

Star Citizen 3.18 definitely had a less-than-stellar start. Many players, myself included, were locked out of the game for days. It wasn’t until day seven that the stars aligned and I was able to beat the log-in server defects, account authentication snafus, and infinite loading screen. For the first few sessions of stable gameplay, I turned my attention to salvaging.

4 min read

Salvage is the first of the industry professions I backed that’s now in the game, along with the ships I purchased. Refuel is here as a precursor to Pyro but is an unnecessary function at this time since game services can more easily refuel your ship. Also, I backed to do it with the Vulcan, not the Starfarer. CIG’s implementation of mining left me confident that all the professions would be done well. Yes, we’ve had hiccups along the way in balancing them

2 min read

Recently, I made my first foray into using GameGlass for Star Citizen. In the past, I’ve utilized Voice Attack to handle the myriad of keybinds required but can’t fit on my HOTAS. These days, however, I want to avoid being tied to a microphone for basic gameplay. GameGlass offers free and premium service options and premade shards are available for immediate use. I opted to purchase a couple of shards.

2 min read

On its own, the Mule isn’t of much use yet – another vehicle made available in-game while its core mechanics are being completed. Regardless, it’s a fun little vehicle and an item that most players will probably need to speed up moving boxes around. I definitely see its eventual usefulness across all content activities, whether it’s used in a hangar, on the ground, or aboard a large ship.

5 min read

PVE ship combat bounties are a very popular activity because they don’t require specialized ships. You can successfully jump into the game with a starter ship and complete flight combat bounties. Unfortunately, the same can’t be said for FPS bounties, which are equally popular. For the FPS bounties, you need basic gear that is purchasable in-game.

3 min read

The tweaks to the food consumption in Star Citizen Alpha 3.17 aren’t a hit with everyone. Most notable is the frequency with which players now need to eat and drink before their character is penalized. I, for one, am fine with them. In fact, I’m actually enjoying the increased pace. But that’s coming from someone who has played The Sims since version 1.0 and all the variants of the Don’t Starve game series.

6 min read

Let’s begin by reiterating that Star Citizen is FAR from a completed game! Star Citizen is using an open development process that allows supporters to play test content as it becomes available. Players who choose to participate in this process can provide CONSTRUCTIVE FEEDBACK that contributes to improving the breadth of testing that’s possible and in some cases, refine how mechanics are implemented.

3 min read

For many citizens, the name Drake Interplanetary conjures up images of ships whose silhouettes don’t look aerodynamically balanced. And the ne’er-do-wells and criminals flying them. Pirates. Drake hasn’t helped change this perception by naming its ships things like Cutlass and Buccaneer. And their the cheesy billboards featuring overly endowed woman, dripping sex appeal all over the newest starfighter they’re showcasing, doesn’t help much either.

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6 min read
4 min read