July 27, 2024

Alysianah's World

All things Star Citizen

player careers

1 min read

The Star Citizen NightBus is a quirky mixture of Star Citizen fact, fiction and opinion. This week’s topics are: Data-Makers, Trolley Cart Interlude, Space Hobos, Greetings from Zerah, Star Citizen as a Board Game, Bryony’s Dilemma Part 2 of 3.

3 min read

I’m all for players being able to role-play a variety of topics in games. I’m okay with elements of morality. Even including the topic of slavery doesn’t bother me. However, it does make me skittish in a game that’s going to have a lot of realism, including the ability to capture other players. In a recent article for [REDACTED.TV], I discussed what we know so far. Here’s an excerpt…

1 min read

Last night I was thinking about a few enhancements that would improve the usability of the Starmap related pages. After reviewing the actual pages this morning, I’ve decided to make these changes before introducing the Galactic Guide data planned for Release 2.0.

1 min read

Changes planned for the next release revolve around integrating the lore data I’ve captured from the official Star Citizen Galactic Guides. I’m expecting to release these changes in the late October to early November time frame. Comments are locked until the release is completed.

2 min read

As a gamer, I’m an avid MMO player who enjoys blogging about my adventures, sharing information and creating guides and tutorials. I came into MMOs through a dark tunnel. I’d been diagnosed with cancer and was often required to spend time away from home receiving treatment.

6 min read

Welcome to the first release of Alysianah Noire’s World of Star Citizen, a portal of my Star Citizen related content. This is the first iteration reflecting the bare minimum of what’s planned. More features will be added as time allows. Please keep in mind that this is a labor of love and just one of the activities going on in my life. I will address issues as I’m able. Keep requests and feedback polite and professional. I’m excited to share this information the community and hope you find it useful.

5 min read

As this will be one of the professions many new players gravitate toward, here’s a quick overview of the mining profession. It was one of the first career design documents published and is supposedly representative of their philosophy for all careers. Which is that career associated tasks contain activities that require skill, dexterity and intelligence, where mindless repetition or idle monitoring are explicitly avoided.

4 min read

The MISC Hull series of ships is how cargo gets from place to place. An inter-connected system of ships, designed around the same principles and intended to share the same equipment and maintenance processes. MISC has created the Hull A through E, to provide countless options for every type of merchant. From the single-person Hull A to the super-massive Hull E bulk freighter, there’s a Hull for every job. Each ship includes a manned cab, drive unit and telescoping cargo spindle. When laden, the spindle expands to accept cargo pallets; while unloaded, the spindle retracts for faster, more maneuverable travel.

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6 min read
4 min read